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What does the online application consist of?

大发彩票平台登录的申请包括申请人的信息, family, previous school, and artistic interest. International applications require additional information. 请花必要的时间提供尽可能完整的信息,以便我们的招生办公室能够正确地审查您的申请. The good news—you can save the application and return to it later!

How much does it cost to submit an application?


转到10年级或11年级的申请人和国际学生, the non-refundable application fee is $150.

To which department should I apply?

学院的主要目标之一是帮助学生成功地在最挑剔的大学试镜, university, and conservatory arts programs in the world. Therefore, it is important that students pick one area of concentration, and focus on the depth of the discipline.

More Admissions Information

When choosing an arts department, keep these points in mind:

1. Musical Theatre involves elements of singing, acting, and dance. 学生需要在这三个领域都表现出兴趣和才能. 戏剧系主要涉及表演、导演和制作.

2. 音乐系有两个不同的路径:声乐和器乐. The Department focuses only on classical and jazz music. Every student takes classes in piano.

3. 媒体艺术系是为作家、电影制作人和动画师准备的. 想要申请视觉艺术还是媒体艺术专业的申请者应该问问自己是否对讲故事感兴趣. Animation students take classes in Visual Arts, so they are not giving up drawing if they choose this department. 对时尚感兴趣的学生应该选择视觉艺术系.

4. While the Dance program is largely focused on ballet, your audition does not need to be in that discipline. 试镜时选择你觉得最舒服的舞蹈风格.

I do not live in Chicago. How do families from outside of the city get to school?

今年,大约50%的学院学生从芝加哥以外的城市通勤. 我们提供从四个主要地铁站(Union, La Salle, Van Buren和Ogilvie)出发的巴士。. 一辆公共汽车在早上上学前上车,并在一天结束时(下午4:40)出发两次.m. and 6:00 p.m.).

Do you offer homestay or boarding accommodations?

At this time, The Academy does not provide boarding; however, The Academy partners with Student RoomStay and Global School Access (GSA), two reputable student homestay agency programs. GSA支持需要帮助的国际和国内学院学生在学院附近找到寄宿家庭解决方案.

所有国际学生必须与伊利诺斯州法院指定的父母或法定监护人住在一起,并/或由他们的国际服务/组织照顾, regardless of legal age.

More information for International students can be found here.

Does The Academy offer tuition assistance?

是的,学院有一个基于需求的学费援助计划. 想申请学费援助的家庭可以在我们传统的申请时间内通过提交申请到 FACTS. 家庭有资格根据收入获得一系列援助, 但是,如果不经过申请程序,就不可能知道一个家庭可能会收到什么.

Where do Academy graduates go to college?

Academy graduates attend schools all over the country. 他们参加各个领域的顶级音乐学院和大学课程. Please check out our School Profile and Alumni 网页了解更多大发彩票平台最近大学录取和毕业生的信息.

How large is The Academy? What are typical class sizes?

This year, we have approximately 140 students. We seek to build a freshman class of 40 students. 一些普通班级规模较大,但大多数班级有12至15名学生. 优等班和数学班的学生人数往往更少,约为7到10人.

Does my child need to have formal training to audition? How difficult is it to be accepted?

The Academy generally accepts about 50% of applicants. Students must be able to fulfill the audition requirements, 但这并不意味着他们必须在学校或校外或与其他当地艺术组织进行正式培训. Formal training is more common in some arts disciplines, like dance or music, but is not necessarily a prerequisite.


While homework load varies by grade level and class, 学生们通常可以期望在他们的每一堂学术课上进行日常工作. 学术和艺术教师一起工作,以说明学院学生在学术和艺术上承担的巨大承诺.

Are students with learning differences eligible for admission?

学院的学习资源部门旨在通过与老师协商为学生提供学术支持. Additionally, 学习资源部主任负责学生家庭提交的与学校有关的学习问题文件的个案管理.

Does The Academy have any physical education (P.E.) or sports programs?

No. 该学院是一所独立的学校,因此不受适用于公立学校系统的法律的约束. We do have many stairs, and our students are quite active.

Tell me more about The Academy's open campus. Are students allowed to leave throughout the day?

The Academy operates as an open-campus. 在一定的限制下,学生们可以在白天离开学校去附近吃午饭. 我们的大多数学生从家里带午餐和零食,或者在恶劣天气时使用外卖应用程序.

How do entrance exams factor into the admissions process?

完成独立学校入学考试(ISEE)或中学入学考试(SSAT)是申请过程的必要部分, 但在做出录取决定时,整个申请都会被整体考虑. 学生可以重新参加ISEE或SSAT,如果他们认为他们可以提高他们的分数. 学生也可以在申请时提交其他标准化考试成绩, but not in lieu of the ISEE or SSAT results.

Learn more about the ISEE and SSAT.

How do your academics stack up to other schools?

学院学生在标准化考试中的得分通常高于州和全国平均水平. ACT是学院最常见的大学入学考试, and in the 2017-2018 school year, Academy students scored an ACT Composite average of 25.9, 25% higher than the national average. (2018-2019 scores will be available in the fall).

此外,近三分之一的学院毕业生在大学里选择了非艺术专业. 学生们发现,一个强大的学术和艺术教育为他们准备了广泛的学术专业, and recent graduates will attend schools like Juilliard, Princeton, MICA, and Stanford, well prepared for a breathtaking variety of paths. Our alums include not only Grammy winners and Broadway stars, but physicists, attorneys, computer programmers, entrepreneurs, executive directors, and other professionals in numerous other fields.

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